
Working on a local private testnet

See a local private chain starts:

make run-local-test-chain

Abort with CTRL-C when it starts to generate DAG.

Copy in a custom keyfile for the coinbase account, so that we have the same deterministic coinbase account id for all runs:

cp keyfiles/UTC--2016-11-08T16-15-25.205056382Z--27d1755735abaf6cefb2299d18458b1091bb2c7b  chains/local_test/keystore/

Start a local private chain again and mine some ETH for a while (1 minute):

make run-local-test-chain

Abort with CTRL-C.

First we deploy a version of the contract on local chain managed by Populus.

make deploy-local

You will get deployment details:

Transaction Mined
Tx Hash      : 0x3557ed87c7eb517c0e9c69dd15ba7d5c4064ce8d9b40caee40f3522fe6357a73
Address      : 0xb52fc9040759e04b793cbb094dc64ee051377c4c
Gas Provided : 362249
Gas Used     : 262249

Write down the deployed contract Address field. It varies across deployments.

This will take ~60 seconds. The default coinbase account is 0x27d1755735abaf6cefb2299d18458b1091bb2c7b. It is configured in populus.ini.

Tieke / CSV import

Get Tieke electronic invoicing registry data dump as CSV.

Use import-tieke-csv tool to import existing records to a given smart contract address:

import-tieke-csv sample.csv local_test 0xb52fc9040759e04b793cbb094dc64ee051377c4c


The local chain must not be running, but it is managed by this command.


The tool lacks parallelism and is extremely slow at the moment.

Interacting with web browser

A simple interactive HTML demo is provided to interact with the contract.

Start geth deamon running a local chain. This is the same chain where we deployed the smart contract earlier:

make run-local-test-chain

It will start to mine transactions on your local computer.

In another terminal start a local development web server:

make run-web-server

Point your browser to:


The demo directly interacts with Ethereum node over JSON-RPC protocol using web3.js library.

Fill in Contract address based on prior populus deploy command and Connect to contract.

Running automated test suite

To run test suite: